Making the world a better place as a team.

Who are we and what do we do at Enactus Aston?

People with a big heart and a deep purpose have a burning desire to do good and make a big impact in this whole world. We are so grateful to have a big group of individuals at Enactus Aston with this same mindset.

Enactus Aston has already proven to be a great platform for building next-gen entrepreneurs and social changemakers.

Our vision is to create a world in which there will be equal opportunities for every single person no matter where they are coming from.

Enactus network is a combination of experienced and highly talented business professionals, and student and academic leaders.

Our Mission

Every single member of Enactus Aston joined here for one major reason. They want to create the best solutions to the problems our local and international communities are facing.

Every single member has the fire in their heart to contribute something to the society, relishing their entrepreneurial spirit into play.

We completely believe as a group with the talent that we possess, with the experience that we have, and the unwavering passion will help us to make a strong impact in the whole world.

UN Sustainable

Development Goals

Our Projects

Our Partners

Your Support is Powerful

You have the opportunity to impact the lives of individuals and families devastated by poverty. It’s through your active participation that we create such powerful change.